Modular Buildings for Schools, Colleges & Universities

Modular Buildings for Schools, Colleges & Universities

Pickerings specialise in the lease, hire and sale of temporary and permanent modular classrooms and buildings for schools and other educational institutions.

With over 50 years of experience in providing modular classrooms, we supply robust, secure, well-maintained buildings built to your specific requirements. Our specialists can design a building layout to accommodate any number of people, and to fulfill a whole range of applications, such as

  • Teaching rooms
  • Music studios
  • Special educational needs classrooms
  • Storage spaces
  • Changing room & toilets
  • Common rooms
  • Drama rooms
  • IT suites
  • Dining facilities
  • Science blocks
  • Staff rooms
  • School offices
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Why Choose Pickerings?


We take pride in having one of the youngest fleet in the industry.

Customer Service

Here at Pickerings we are constantly looking at ways to help improve our customer service and prioritise gaining feedback for continuous improvement.

Turnkey Solutions

We have a selection of different ranges, services, and solutions our customers can use to avoid the hassle, time, and cost of managing multiple suppliers.


Since formation in 1969, Pickerings has grown to become a trusted reliable, and reputable provider of portable & modular buildings.

Prefabricated To Perfection

The Pickerings+ all-inclusive service means that with your Pickerings modular school building you can hire or buy all the extra items of equipment to give you a well equipped, fully functioning modular building from day one. Additional items include:

  • Essentials from school furniture to water tanks, we can supply all the essentials you need for your modular classroom.
  • CCTV for high impact security to protect people & property in your modular building.
  • Climate control to maintain a consistent temperature inside your modular classroom.
  • Covid-19 solutions to protect your people & help to fight the spread of the virus.
  • Data cabling connects network ports, printers, phones & more for coverage in your modular school building.
  • Fire extinguishers to help fight a small fire in your modular classroom to prevent a major disaster.
  • Fire safety technology with a fire alert system to protect your people & property.
  • Foundations to help you overcome unsuitable, unconsolidated & unlevel ground.
  • Temporary power supply for adequate & stable supply in your modular building.
  • Site connections of your utilities to your modular classroom to save you time & hassle.
  • Temporary fencing to help restrict unwanted visitors to your school, college and university.
  • Wi-fi broadband to overcome having to wait months & months with your network provider.

Why Modular Buildings?

Lower Cost - Portable classrooms provide you with an immediate solution to requiring more space, without the need for a large investment.

Bespoke Layout - No size fits all and our modular classroom layout is built around your specific requirements around size, interior requirements and location limitations.

Less Commitment - Modular construction requires less commitment than traditional brick buildings and can provide both a short and long term solution, as and how required.

Future Expansion - Modular buildings allow you to easily adapt to your future requirements further down the line by easily adding further modular buildings as per your requirements, with little cost required compared to a traditional extension.

We provide a range of different modular building systems that all offer exceptional build quality, energy efficiency, fire safety, acoustic and thermal insulation.

Build your ideal solution with our modular building tool

Our modular buildings are built around your specific requirements and the modules can be arranged to suit your needs.

Our modular building tool allows you to select from a range of unit types such as offices, kitchens and classrooms, and arrange the units to create a modular building solution which meets your requirements.

Simply follow the link below to get started, and once you’re happy with the layout of your modular building, you can submit it to us to discuss your project.

Triumph Modular Building

Pickerings are proud to have worked with our group partner Triumph Motorcycles Limited to procure this bespoke building from a trusted supplier.

The building, made up of 63 modules, will house a new workspace and breakout area for the team at Coventry. An amazing job done by all involved! To view an animated overview of the project, click the video to watch. 

To view a range of recent Pickerings case studies across a wide range of sectors, visit our projects page

Need A Hand? Discuss Your Project With Us Today

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