Effluent Tanks
Safe and Secure Effluent Holding Tanks
If you hire a Pickerings toilet and shower block and have no mains services on site you may wonder how to dispose of waste water. It’s no problem for Pickerings as we can provide you with a steel effluent holding tank that can be positioned underneath the toilet or shower block. The holding tank will retain all effluent and waste water until it needs to be emptied. And we can arrange that too, all in accordance with waste water carrier regulations.
Pickerings offer a wide range of effluent holding tanks to meet your specific requirements and the size of the toilet and shower block you have on hire.

The capacity of Pickering effluent holding tanks range from 300 gallons (1400 litres) to 1600 gallons (7000 litres) Please be aware that capacity specifications are lower than actual to allow for toilet paper and solids.
For information on how Pickerings will arrange your effluent tank removal please visit our effluent tank emptying service page.